Friday, February 25, 2011

Xanax With A Concussion

Oh Sweet People ...

Alyoshas Song

your dear people
what has happened?
differs all that you can see it
towers, houses, walls covered
The tone of the end times, one hears echo.

Why the slaughter and the killing
Where do these hordes?
The violence and hatred only donate How will it end
just everything?

What no one saw White come
The end is now really close
grief blows like mist
It's like a farewell party
For this, our life-world
The slowly falling into the abyss.

your dear people
what has happened? What we see
let the children?
How people torturing other people
makes you look to choose without
And on open channels.

your dear people
Can we no longer see it?
destruction, anger and great sorrow
soon penetrates from each chamber.

Gaia soon falls apart
We make each other
destruction of home and hearth
Is it really worth it? is

Soon silence again prevail over wet
and life will again arise
's but we will not see ...

Inspired by Alyosha's song "Sweet People"


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