Thursday, December 30, 2010

''i Catcher Console Web Monitor

know ...

Yes, all will go to the scorer
text for Sylvester Next.

morning I no time. I'm going to buy Berlin (in the capital they call the "pancake", no one knows why), I cook dinner, make it a nice transition into the year 2011, and together we act as if there was a strong chance that this could land and this world in the next year get something on which to enjoy it would be worthwhile.

is of course initiated at midnight to each other a good and happy to wish a Happy New Year, although all know that with truth, beauty, good again, nothing will be, as then in Goethe's time, as well have been, what use is it to the prince.

And as always, be we believe it could not get any worse and at some point realize that it may yet. And millions more children in Germany with her parents live in poverty, hunger for a better life, but do not starve, because the global disgrace if the rulers in one of the richest countries in the world (yet) been able to afford. For now let the children die from hunger and disease in Africa and Asia in their factories toil so silly as pseudo-Verona flutes can continue: "... is better than how to think."

And they continue to lie in 2011, the unemployment figures down, the Hartz IV recipients torment humiliate and degrade. And in 2011 they see more poverty normal, just like the billions they invest to let German soldiers in other countries to kill people in order to ensure the interests of international oil companies and of course our fuel supply. And that it is normal that capitalism shooting in all directions when it comes to its energy or its export, which knows even the stupidest blurted since former Federal President Köhler has been bullied for it and out of office.

And the many state elections in 2011 will not change anything. For the SPD and Greens have Hartz IV devised and implemented together with the CDU / CSU and FDP, and waged a war of aggression against Yugoslavia and soldiers sent to Afghanistan and and and ...

... the left talks with NATO (except Gysi the U.S. ambassador, the distances of them even still), but does nothing, and where it rules, it's Hartz IV recipients sometimes worse than in countries CDU (Compare : Hamburg - Berlin), left or left to be disciplined gepöbelt from the party.

The scorer wishes all its readers for the year 2011, the truth, beauty, good ...