Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Feeling Moist Before Period

bite into all eternity

"death is peaceful, easy - life is difficult" ... says Bella in "Twilight." Since I am dead yet or not but I just everything can remember, I do not know if I can help Bellas' s statement. That life sometimes has a certain weight, I would not deny, however, we live here on a dense planet.

Forever young - forever young and fresh, eternal life ... is often written about, sung, it says. The beauty industry with her beauty products advertises the eternal youth. Even institutions that make out pretty ugly duckling swans have a huge supply. Thus man has apparently tended to desire, forever young and beautiful to be - for eternity. I will probably never bitten by a vampire, I'm just not as pale as Bella, and the aging process, the decay, the decay ... omnipresent! I often troubled when I have not seen a man a few years, how fast can the go! Earlier still, with black hair, ay caramba! Today mouse gray or even white ... then the course of history and life. Who knows or even has an idea of what it must be so to live for all eternity? If somewhere out there an eternal survivor or a lady who is traveling through space and time to provide for a survey would be available ... I would be interested in it. Also an interview with a vampire (live forever?) - I do it, why not! Incidentally, I have blood type B +.


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