Monday, January 31, 2011

Where Do They Sell Tall Converses

villains until they drop dead ...

... arises as Merkel / Westerwelle political gangster government the Retirement of the future.

the beginning they make with those from prior to 65.Geburtstag age pension. That - except for a couple of early retirees - does not work, they conceal.

What's behind it: people who because of disability or incapacity - or because of a severe disability of at least 50 percent before retiring from the 60th - that is because they are ill Age to old age pensioners "redeployed" to not increase their pension entitlements.

a result, you be dependent on "Grundsicherng" by the welfare office, or at least housing benefit.

And now sold - especially the FDP - it as a social benefit to these patients, severely disabled and surplus may earn as much on pensions as to how they last earned net.

all just scams. If they could, they would not have gone into early retirement. The fact you can not "just" about, because one has no desire for the job.

pensioners may end thanks to the care of Merkel and Westerwelle slave away until they drop dead.

Then there are the bags with us-retiree - the package to us at Aldi, Lidl, REWE and Edeka purchases and cart to the car, as do old people in the U.S. at Safeway, Giant or Shoppers for decades. Twelve hours a day, until they collapse at some point in the supermarket parking lot and did not even bring the ambulance a little ...


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