Title: The Tribute by Panem Deadly Games
Author: Suzanne Collins
Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy
Publisher: Oetinger
ISBN-13: 978-3789132186
Number 414 pages
Price: 17,90 €
ruled in the distant future a new country in North America. The Capitol. To the Capitol, there are 12 districts dominated by the Capitol, imprisoned and controlled.
In the districts, people fighting for their lives every day. So the sixteen-year Katness originates from District 12.
your district is responsible for the procurement of coal and one of the poorest districts of all of Panem. Since her father was living in an explosion in a coal power plant killed Katness alone provides for her family consisting of her sister, Prim and her mother. In order that the family starved Katness is often hunt illegally in the forest. But despite the fresh wild lives, the family always on the limit to starve.
But the hunger is not the biggest threat that afflicts all districts, but the hunger games out of the Capitol. The Hunger Games should prove the power of the Capitol. Every year they ask from all districts of a girl and a boy, 12:00 to 16:00 years. The draw to decide who should in the arena.
But this year, a prim, Katness little sister, who means everything to her. Katness can not let that pulls her beloved sister in the arena and volunteered to go for it.

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