Title: The Countess Báthory
Author: Andreas Varesi
Genre: Historical Novel
Publisher: Design TB
ISBN-13: 978-3746625256
Number of Pages: 381 pages
Price: 8 , 95 €
Hungary in the 17th century. The Shadow Wolf to mischief in the territory of the Countess Bathory. Hundreds of young girls and women Disappear. Some are found, tortured, mutilated, rarely seen again, others remain missing. The small town Cseithè lives in fear and terror. At night you can hear only the cries of the girls seem to come from the inner earth. As the situation threatened to escalate, to see the Viceroy forced to intervene. He is an investigation to uncover a terrible command to the murders. The truth is then revealed, shocking everyone. Since
me the story of the blood countess had been interested for years this book is a real "must-have book for me. In some cases I was disappointed, I have more from the perspective of Erzsébet Báthory desired. Since that book is really about her, but took place only a minor role. Nevertheless, the book reads quite well, the writing style was easy to understand what we have in historical novels, not always.
I personally found the book but rather unspectacular. I could not arrive at the true character and it creeped me not really. Too bad, I had expected more.

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